In this quickstart, you will:

  • Register a design portfolio as an IP collection
  • Register a image design as an IP asset
This quickstart is under development as new features are added to the Story Protocol daily.

Preparation Steps


Create a Developer Account and Project

To get started, create a developer account in the Crossmint Staging Console. Open that link, sign in, and accept the dialog to continue.

Crossmint offers two consoles: staging, for development and testing, and www, for production.

Then, navigate to project Settings > General and set the wallet type to “Smart Wallets”:


Get an API Key

Create a server-side API key with these scopes: collection.create, collection.update,, nfts.create.

This allows your API key to perform any kind of asset registration action.

Register Design Portfolio


Create an IP Collection

Additional metadata can be added to the collection to help with discovery, such as a cover image. Check out the API reference for more information.

To create the portfolio, run the script:

Register Image Design


Create a Design

Use OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 to create a design:

The resulting image looks like this:


Register Image Design on Story

Run the script to register the song:

Confirm Image Registration


Get Action Status

You can easily check the IP asset registration status to ensure the action has completed before proceeding.

Use the action ID returned in any of the previous steps and run the script: