This guide will show you how to use Crossmint’s UI templates to save time on frontend development. To get started:

1. Add the Crossmint Client SDK to your project with the following command:

React Only. Contact us if you would like to use a different framework

2. Render a grid with all the NFTs

Use the CrossmintNFTCollectionView component:

import { CrossmintNFTCollectionView } from "@crossmint/client-sdk-react-ui";

const wallets = [
        chain: "solana",
        publicKey: "<SOL_ADDRESS>",
        chain: "ethereum",
        publicKey: "<ETH_ADDRESS>",

export default function yourPage() {
    return (
        <div style={{ height: "100vh" }}>
            <CrossmintNFTCollectionView wallets={wallets} />
walletsList of wallets whose NFTs you want to render[{ chain: "solana", publicKey: "<SOLANA_WALLET_ADDRESS>" }]
uiConfig (optional)See UI config section below{ colors: { background: "#cccccc" } }
environment (optional)In case you need to test in Staging, you can set this hereproduction (default) or staging

3. Check the NFT Detail Component

If you want to show a specific detail screen for an NFT, you can use the CrossmintNFTDetail component.

import { CrossmintNFTDetail } from "@crossmint/client-sdk-react-ui";

/* Alternative locator
- locator - <ethereum|polygon|bsc>:<contract_address>:<token_id>
- const nft = "ethereum:0x123456789:1";

const nft = {
    chain: "ethereum",
    contractAddress: "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>",
    tokenId: "<TOKEN_ID>",

export function yourPage() {
    return (
        <div style={{ height: "100vh" }}>
            <CrossmintNFTDetail nft={nft} />
nftInformation about the NFT to be displayed{ chain: "ethereum", contractAddress: "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>", tokenId: "<TOKEN_ID>" } The table above has examples for all variations and different chains.
uiConfig (optional)See UI config section below{ colors: { background: "#cccccc" } }
environment (optional)In case you need to test in Staging, you can set this hereproduction (default) or staging

Example of NFT detail component

4. Tweak the UI

Modify the UI using the uiConfig prop. The following is an example of a valid uiConfig and the result:

import { CrossmintNFTDetail } from "@crossmint/client-sdk-react-ui";

const nft = {
    chain: "solana",
    mintHash: "<MINT_HASH>",

export function yourPage() {
    return (
        <div style={{ height: "100vh" }}>
                    colors: {
                        background: "#000814",
                        backgroundSecondary: "#001D3D",
                        textPrimary: "#FFFFFF",
                        textSecondary: "#EEEEEE",
                        accent: "#FFC300",
                        border: "#FFFFFF",

Example of UI adjustment

All fields are optional, and will fallback to Crossmint’s existing theme.

iOS and Android libraries

Use the following libraries to launch faster: iOS SDK | Android SDK