In this quickstart you will learn how to create and manage wallets using a REST API from a server environment.

Integration Steps


Create a Developer Account and Project

To get started, create a developer account in the Crossmint Staging Console. Open that link, sign in, and accept the dialog to continue.

Crossmint offers two consoles: staging, for development and testing, and www, for production.

Then, navigate to project Settings > General:

  • For EVM chains: Set the wallet type to “Smart Wallets”
  • For all other chains: Set the wallet type to “Custodial Wallets”


Get an API Key

Create a server-side API key with these scopes:

Navigate to the "Integrate" section on the left navigation bar, and ensure you're on the "API Keys" tab.

Within the Server-side keys section, click the "Create new key" button in the top right.

Next, check the scopes labeled wallets.create,,,, wallets:transactions.create,, wallets:transactions.sign.

Finally, create your key and save it for subsequent steps.

This allows your API key to perform any kind of wallet action.


Choose a Wallet Type

Below is a summary of available wallet types and their characteristics:

ChainCustodialTypeAdmin Signer
SolanaFalseContact SupportContact Support
AptosFalseContact SupportContact Support
CardanoFalseContact SupportContact Support
SuiFalseContact SupportContact Support

Create Your First Wallet

Create a file (e.g. createWallet.ts) and enter this code:

Before running it, be sure to fill in:

  • YOUR_API_KEY with the key obtained in step 2
  • Choose your desired wallet type and admin signer from the table above

Now, run the script:

The API will return a response with your new wallet details. Save the wallet address, as you’ll use it in the next step.


Interact with Your Wallet

First, let’s get some test USDC to work with. Visit Crossmint Testnet USDXM Faucet and paste your wallet address from step 4 to receive test USDC tokens in your chain of choice.

Now that you have some tokens, let’s check the wallet’s balance:

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Launching in Production

For production, the steps are almost identical, but some changes are required:

  1. Create a developer account on the production console
  2. Add credits to your account from Billing & Usage
  3. Create a production key on the API Keys page with the same API scopes
  4. Modify all code snippets to use instead of

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