Crossmint’s Wallet Balance APIs allow you to retrieve and manage wallet balances efficiently across networks.


Check out our Quickstart for non-custodial Smart Wallets to prepare the following:

  • API Key: Your Crossmint API key with the following scopes:,, and
  • Wallet Locator: The locator of the wallet you want to check the balances from. Check the API Reference for more information.

Retrieving Wallet Balances

We will use the Get Wallet Balance API.

It requires the following parameters:

  • walletLocator: The unique identifier for the wallet.
  • currencies: The cryptocurrencies to query, such as eth, usdc.
  • chains: (Optional) The blockchain networks to query, such as base-sepolia, sepolia.

Funding a Wallet

In Staging, we have a faucet that you can use to fund your wallet with USDC. Use the POST endpoint /v1-alpha2/wallets/:walletLocator/balances. It requires the following parameters:

  • walletLocator: The unique identifier for the wallet.
  • currency: The cryptocurrency to fund the wallet with. We currently support usdc.
  • amount: The amount of cryptocurrency to send to the wallet.
  • chain: The network to use for the transaction. Only in Ethereum.