Get IP Asset Graph
Get the graph of an IP Asset, by default it will fetch the first level of parents and children (depth = 1). You can customize the depth using the query parameter ‘depth’ to a maximum of 3. Maximum 100 parents or children will be returned for each level.
The ipAssetId parameter should be the Story Protocol asset ID (not the Crossmint ID). Must start with ‘0x’ followed by hexadecimal characters.
API scope required: nfts.read
This API is still under development. Contact support for early access.
API key required for authentication
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
200 - application/json
IP Asset Graph found
IP Asset relationship graph showing parents and children
The root IP ID for which the graph was generated
Array of parent IP asset nodes
"ipId": "0xAb92d4f9EA97666c40527D54a9aF4D7F82ab8552",
"parents": [
"ipId": "0x9876543210abcdef9876543210abcdef98765432",
"parents": []
Array of child IP asset nodes
"ipId": "0x123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef012345678",
"children": [
"ipId": "0xabcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01",
"children": []
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