Revoke Credential
Revoke a verifiable credential by the credential ID. This involves burning the associated nft.
This ID will have the format: urn:uuid:<UUID>
. For example: urn:uuid:64f9877d-a19a-4205-8d61-f8c2abed5766
API scope required credentials.create
Key obtained from the Crossmint developer console, reflecting the API scope granted.
Path Parameters
Unique ID of the credential as returned in the NFT creation response. Format is: urn:uuid:<UUID>
Can be used to check the status via the action status API
The action performed, in this case nfts.delete
Current status of the async operation. One of pending
or succeeded
"pending OR succeeded"
The time this operation was initiated in UTC.
The time this operation completed in UTC.
This is only present when status
is succeeded
"succeeded status ONLY - 2024-01-10T23:02:00.000Z"
The URL path to obtain current status with action status api
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