If you are using our previous version of embedded checkout, please refer to the old UI customization guide

Try out different customization options in our Crossmint Playground!

Quick Start

The checkout UI can be customized using the appearance prop:

        fonts: [{ cssSrc: "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@400;500;600&display=swap" }],
        variables: {
            fontFamily: "Inter, system-ui, sans-serif",
            colors: {
                backgroundPrimary: "#ffffff",
                textPrimary: "#000000",
                accent: "#0074D9",

Customization Options

Custom Fonts

Load custom fonts using the fonts array:

  fonts: [
    { cssSrc: "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@400;500;600&display=swap" },
    { cssSrc: "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@400;500;700&display=swap" }

Global Variables

Control the overall look and feel with these global variables:

  variables: {
    // Typography
    fontFamily: "Inter, system-ui, sans-serif",
    fontSizeUnit: "16px",

    // Spacing
    spacingUnit: "1rem",
    borderRadius: "8px",

    // Colors
    colors: {
      borderPrimary: "#E0E0E0",
      backgroundPrimary: "#FFFFFF",
      textPrimary: "#000000",
      textSecondary: "#666666",
      danger: "#FF0000",
      warning: "#FFA500",
      accent: "#0074D9"

Component Rules

Common Examples

Modern Dark Theme

  variables: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, system-ui, sans-serif",
    colors: {
      backgroundPrimary: "#1A1A1A",
      textPrimary: "#FFFFFF",
      textSecondary: "#A0A0A0",
      borderPrimary: "#333333",
      accent: "#7928CA"
  rules: {
    Input: {
      colors: {
        background: "#2D2D2D",
        border: "#404040",
        text: "#FFFFFF",
        placeholder: "#666666"
    PrimaryButton: {
      colors: {
        background: "#7928CA",
        text: "#FFFFFF"
      hover: {
        colors: {
          background: "#6B24B2"

Minimal Light Theme

  variables: {
    fontFamily: "system-ui, sans-serif",
    borderRadius: "4px",
    colors: {
      backgroundPrimary: "#FFFFFF",
      textPrimary: "#000000",
      borderPrimary: "#E0E0E0",
      accent: "#000000"
  rules: {
    Input: {
      borderRadius: "4px",
      colors: {
        background: "#F5F5F5",
        border: "transparent"
      focus: {
        colors: {
          border: "#000000",
          boxShadow: "none"
    PrimaryButton: {
      borderRadius: "4px",
      colors: {
        background: "#000000",
        text: "#FFFFFF"