Crossmint has a pre-audited library of smart contracts that serve most use cases. However, if you have custom needs, you can also bring your own.

The NFT checkout has been battle-tested at scale with Crossmint’s collections, and may result in a more reliable experience than using an untested contract, or at least require less trouble-shooting.

Register Collection Guide

Check out the step by step guide for registering a collection

Contracts Supported


  • Your contract must be ERC-721, ERC-721A, or ERC-1155 compliant.
  • The minting function must allow minting directly to an address that is different from the one that invoked the contract. And it must contain at least one parameter that specifies that recipient address.
  • A single address must be able to call the mint function unlimited times but does not need to be able to hold unlimited NFTs.

Contract Registration

You may register contracts manually from the console or via .

To register a contract manually, simply go to the console, click on Collections and follow the steps on the wizard.